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Solucións Web Design para Su Negocio - Web Designer Graduado con Experiencias International - Sitio Web Multi-Lenguas y Dinámicas, HTML, CSS, PHP, Perl, Flash, Director y más ... website , Vancouver BC Web Design, British Columbia, Vancouver CMS Web Development, Content Management System, Vancouver BC, Canada, Vancouver Web Design, Vancouver Web Site Design, Vancouver Deutsch Web Design, Canada, Kanada, Deutsches Web Design in Vancouver, German Webdesign in Vancouver, Internet Gestaltung in Vancouver BC Canada, Backbone Technology Inc., Expression, Waterstreet, Professionelle Dynamische Webseiten aus Vancouver British Columbia, Gastown, design,internet,development,publishing,corporate identity,consulting,programming,animation,interactive,translation service,search engine submission service,web controlling,registration,cd-rom,macromedia director,logo,stationery,pdf,freelancer,worldwide,exhibition,english,german,french,spanish,international,presence5,daniele cotellessa,daniel - website design,internet,entwicklung,veröffentlichung,beratung,corporate identity,programmierung,animation,interaktif,übersetzungen,suchmaschinenanmeldung,web controlling,registrierung,cd-rom, macromedia director,logo,briefpapier,visitenkarten,pdf,freelancer,weltweit,ausstellung,englisch,deutsch,französisch,spanisch,international,presence5,daniele cotellessa,daniel - website design,création,réalisation,consultance,referencement professionnel,presentation corporative,developpement,programmation,animation,interactive,service de traduction,enregistrement moteur de recherche,web controlling,réalisation cd rom, macromedia director,logotype,carte de visite,pdf,freelance,mondiale,exposition,anglais,allemand,francais,espagnol,international,presence5,daniele cotellessa,daniel - website design,internet,página web,publicación,corporate identity,consultoría,programación,animación,interactive,servicio traducción,web controlling,registración buscador,cd-rom,macromedia director,logo,trajetas de visita,pdf,freelancer,mundial,exposición,inglés,alemán,francés,espanol,internacional,presence5,daniele cotellessa,daniel - Web Design Solutions for your Business - Graduated Interactive Designer with International Experiences - Multiligual Dynamic Web Sites, HTM, CSS, PHP, Perl, Flash, Director and more, Web Design Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen - Diplomierter Multimedia Designer mit internationaler Erfahrung - Mehrsprachige und Dynamische Internetseiten, HTML, CSS, PHP, Perl, Flash, Director und mehr - Solutions Web Design pour Votre Entreprise - Web Designer Diplomé avec Expériences Internationaux - Pages Web Polyglottes et Dynamiques, HTML, CSS, PHP, Perl, Flash, Director et plus, Solucións Web Design para Su Negocio - Web Designer Graduado con Experiencias International - Sitio Web Multi-Lenguas y Dinámicas, HTML, CSS, PHP, Perl, Flash, Director y más, Daniele Cotellessa, Daniel Cotellessa, Cotelessa, Stuttgart, Vancouver, Canada, Advertising, Graphic Design, Photographing, Freelancer, printpark Widmann Karlsruhe printpark.de, schmuckprojekte.de Meike Westermann Goldschmiedin Hamburg, das-schuljahrbuch.de Ihr Schuljahrbuch professionell gestaltet günstig im Preis, huml-design.de Stefan Huml Design GmbH Stuttgart Heizkörperdesign Wärmekultur, mit-sicherheit-wernick.de Alexander Wernick Finanzdienstleister Versicherungen Fellbach, Christiane Geprägs Rechtsanwältin, transmed.de Transmed Transportmanagement Distributionslösungen Lieferservice, hoeffele.de Hans Höffele Wattefabrik Matratzenauflagen und Füllungen für die Matratzen- Möbel- und Bekleidungsindustrie - Mattress covers and fillings for the mattress- furniture- and apparel industry, avellis.de Avellis Huster Manufacturing and sales of leatherdyes for drum dyeing Herstellung und Vertrieb von Lederfarbstoffen für die Fassfärbung, schlossneuhaus.com Schloss Neuhaus Rauhof Gemmingen, viveencanada.com Vive en Canada Estudia en Canada Escuelas de ingles en canada, r-lanz.de Ralf Lanz Hebebühnenverleih Gipser Maler Rutesheim, Schlechte Zahlungsmoral projekteobjekte Agentur für Marketing, Objektgestaltung und Event Sinsheim projekteobjekte.de Schlechte Zahlungsmoral, albw Handels GmbH Waghäusel-Kirrlach albw.de, weinhaus-karlsruhe.de Weinhaus Karlsruhe Weinhandel, ingbuero-clauss.de Ingenieurbüro Clauss+Partner Esslingen, vancouver.ca.tp Vancouver Canada, Gegen das Vergessen, Häftlingsalltag im KZ-Sachsenhausen 1936-1945, Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten, Lest we forget The everyday life of prisoners at Sachsenhausen concentration camp 1936-1945, L2M3 GmbH Stuttgart, HG Merz Architekt Stuttgart Berlin;
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Welcome and thank you for visiting presence5.net
Are you starting a new business, launching a new service or willing to change your corporate image? Then you need a top quality website or a CD-ROM that will complete your business identity and will help you attract more customers.
To create a powerful presence you need a skilled designer who will put all his experience, knowledge and talent into your project.
Online Service - To ensure a top quality, I provide a special online service, which allows you to view the progress of the web sites construction. This enables you to suggest and anticipate issues regarding the web site development - testing as and when the site has been developed.
Intercontinental Communication - Wherever your business is located your project is in best hands. Intercontinental Communication provides independency from space, time and language. Internet Communication Media like email and chat assist our business association as fast as your ideas will attain your customers for your future project - world wide. For a better understanding I suggest to correspond in English.
Are you thinking about publishing a multi-lingual presence?
I collaborate with partners who provide me with professional translation services
in 14 languages.
If you need design service other than web design, please contact me -
My service also includes designing logos, brochures, PDF-presentations, magazine ads... Review some works to convince yourself that I can give you that professional and trustworthy image.
Book me for your jobs - worldwide. You need my service for your projects
on-site? I am open to work for you all over the world.
Daniele Cotellessa,  Certified Designer